A Letter to You First Time Mamas

It’s crazy how a little blue line can make you feel so many emotions all at once! The first time I looked at my positive pregnancy test I felt weak at the knees but had butterflies at the same time.

“This can’t be real!?” “I’d better try another one!” “No, really!?” “Am I ready for this!?” “I’m soooo happy!”

All of these reactions are TOTALLY NORMAL. The truth is, we had been trying for a baby for quite some time with disappointments along the way. We wanted and longed for a family but still I wasn’t prepared to see that little blue line….it literally took my breath away!

The journey to parenthood is one full of emotions. It’s normal to feel nervous and excited at the same time. After all, you are venturing into the unknown! You will no doubt have many moments of true happiness feeling this new life inside your growing belly, but with that will also come some difficult days and moments of pure panic. Do your research and prepare as much as you can for birth and the early days of motherhood. This won’t change the way your baby is by nature, but it will prepare you to expect ups and downs.

Some people cry with joy when they meet their baby for the first time, others just stare…taking in their babies face and little hands, some expect to cry but don’t, others just look at their partner in shock!  Every one of these reactions is OK.

You WILL get through the early days of constant feeds, bonding, very little sleep and getting to know each other. You and your baby will grow together….this is both of your ‘first time’ at everything! Each day you will become more YOU. All the niggling doubts you may have had at the very beginning will disappear, and you will understand your baby’s cues, finally realizing that YOU are what your baby needs……and you are enough!

Enjoy every minute of this ever changing, difficult, but wonderful journey like no other.

D x

Beautifully Blooming